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The Carding Process

Done each year at the halfway point of the season, after the All-Star break

For those of you non-engineers et al., the process works like this:
1. Each team owner will get a file that shows:
- contract status for the next four seasons
- salary for the next for seasons
- seasons already played within LEG for each player
- career season range for each player
2. Each player is subject to a randomly determined outcome, or "roll", as to what player career season will be used in Season 5. There are 2 phases for this roll which we've been calling First Roll and Second Roll. Catchy, I know.
3. First Roll
A) roll 1-25, player uses next available career season (see Available Season below) in chronological order after the season being used currently. If a player's next available season is a season after his career was over, the next available season will be considered to be the earliest unused season in his career. For example, if I am currently using Hank Aaron's 1976 season in LEGS4 and the first roll is for his next chronological season - that would be 1977 which is the season after he retired. The result would instead go to his 1954 season (his first) unless that one was already used. If it had been used then we would try 1955 and so on.
B) roll 26-100, player's next LEG season would be determined randomly in the Second Roll.
4.Second Roll
Each available season has an equal chance of being selected as his next carded season in LEG. As we are going into season 5 this means a player with 4 LEG seasons under his belt and who had a 10-year career would have a 16.66% chance of having any of his unused seasons next season.
Available Season:An available season is for most players any season that has not yet been used in LEG. This includes both carded and uncarded seasons. The exception to this is if a player is a Fan Favorite (see below Fan Favorite) or if a team uses Franchise Points to reset all seasons used as being available (see below Using Franchise Points).
Fan Favorite: Fan Favorite players are subject to a couple of special rules when it comes to carding. (1) All seasons in a player's career are always eligible. So it is theoretically possible that the player may replay the same season year after year (although statistically improbable); (2) A Fan Favorite Roll can never be re-rolled by using Franchise Points. What you see is what you get.
Using Franchise Points:There are essentially 3 ways to use Franchise Points for Carding Rolls:
(1) Career Reset - Cost is 2 FP. Must be announced before rolls for a player are made. Spending the 2 FP makes all seasons in a player's career available to be rolled. It is not a permanent thing and only applies to this season's rolls;
(2) Tip the Odds- Spend 1 or 2 franchise points to increase the odds of any given result by 10-20%. On the First Roll, this can be done to increase the odds of a "Next Chronological Year" from 25% to 35% or 45% or reduce them to 15% or 5%. On the Second Roll, you can assign the odds increase to any given year or combination of years totalling 10% or 20%.
(3) Re-roll by far the most often used. Don't like what you got? Spend 1 FP to re-roll the result. You may still get the same result that you just re-rolled though. This can be done up to 3 times per player on the First Roll and three times on the Second Roll. You can't go back and change your mind. A re-roll erases the previous result.
Uncarded Seasons: LEG players have a base minimum 10-year career regardless of how many seasons they actually played. For players with careers shorter than 10 years any year of the 10 in which they did not play is considered an uncarded season (e.g., a player with a six year career would have six carded seasons and four uncarded ones). A player may also have uncarded seasons if, during any time in his career, he did not play due to injury, being in the minors, playing in another country, or in military service. We do not count years spent in military service or a covid opt-out year as an uncarded year and if any military service year is rolled a free re-roll is made. That is the only exception.
The process is actually really easy. If we are rolling for your team by text or using Slack or some other chat method such as Facebook Messenger a typical exchange would go as follows:
Nik - Who are we rolling for first?
Owner - Player X
Nik - <pauses waiting for decision to spend FP to unlock all seasons or tip the odds of any outcome>
- Roll is 28 - Random Season (Second Roll)
Owner - Marvy
Nik - Random is 1986
Owner - great, I will stick with that for now but may come back before we finalize my team
Nik - great, next?
Owner - Player Y
Nik - <pause again> Roll is 14, Next Chronological Season ... 1940
Owner - That sucks, he is uncarded that year. Reroll
Nik - 1st reroll, 1 FP spent, you have 17 FP left - result is 22 - same result of next season
Owner - I kill you. Reroll one more time
Nik - 2nd reroll, 1 FP spent, you have 16 FP left - result is 28 - Random Season
Owner - great, roll please
Nik - first Random result is 1940
Owner - you sonofab.....
As always please let me know if you have any questions. 
As I mentioned, we can do this any way that you want except please not over the phone.
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