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The Fan Favorite


Teams would have the option (not mandatory) of submitting a list of 10 players as candidates from which will be selected randomly a “Fan Favorite Player”. The Fan Favorite Player would:

  1. FP Cost - have 0 FP cost

  2. Salary - for as long as a player is Fan Favorite the cost of his contract would be 50% (discount to be applied after any other discounts);

  3. FP earned – teams with a Fan Favorite would receive a bonus of 3 FP per season (awarded at the end of the season at the same time as other FP are handed out)

  4. Trades – trading a Fan Favorite would immediately cost his team 5 FP (can be reduced to a negative value which can be carried forward to the next season). At the time of the trade, the player loses Fan Favorite status – none of the bonuses transfer to the player’s new team. A new Fan Favorite cannot be selected until after the current season ends.

  5. Contract Renewal – when a Fan Favorite contract is up for renewal his team must offer him the maximum contract extension of 3 years and increase his current salary by 50% (i.e., if his base salary is $10 M and his Fan Favorite adjusted salary is $5 M his new salary under the extension would be $5 M x 150% = $7.5 M). The player automatically accepts the offer with no chance of rejection.

  6. Usage Requirement – The Fan Favorite will never file for free agency as a result of failing to meet the PA/BF usage requirement.

  7. Next Season Card Selection – When it comes time to determine the player season card to be used for the next year in LEG, a team cannot re-roll a result obtained for a Fan Favorite.

  8. Change Fan Favorite – You can only optionally change a Fan Favorite in the off-season. The new Fan Favorite can be named from a list of 10 selected candidates as normal.

  9. Replacing a Fan Favorite – If you have voluntarily chosen (see viii) to replace an old Fan Favorite with a new one the new Fan Favorite will not have his salary reduced to 50% nor have usage immunity in his first season as Fan Favorite. Exception: if the old Fan Favorite was traded, the new Fan Favorite named in the off-season would receive the 50% salary discount and have usage immunity in his first season as Fan Favorite.

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