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Overview of Season 4 New Rules (with League Guide References)

Rosters (3.5.1) – must have 3 catchers with combined PR/SF of 1300 (formerly was 2 catchers)

Injury Reduction using Franchise Points (3.5.6(a) to (c)) – can reduce injuries in the post-season between home team changes in between games 2 and 3 or 5 and 6. (formerly not mentioned)

Draft Picks (4.4) – Reduced tradable draft picks to the first 9 rounds. (formerly was the first 12 rounds)

Draft Pool Player Salaries (5.2.6) – players who went undrafted in a season will have their salary reduced to 80% for the next season. (formerly the reduction was capped at 50% of their original base salary, but this cap has been removed)

Contract Extension/Re-signing Options (6.2.3) – Extensive changes as below:

  • 1 year extension salary bump changed from 25% to 10%;

  • 2 year extension salary bump changed from 33% to 20%;

  • 3 year extension salary bump changed from 50% to 30%;

  • Guaranteed Contract Option added for 3-year extension. No chance of rejecting an extension offer plus salary does not increase from original base. Available for one player per year with no guaranteed options in consecutive years (one year re-set). Cost is 5 FP.

  • 4 year extension available with salary bump at 30%. Cost is 3 FP. FP refunded if offer is rejected.

  • 5 year extension available with salary bump at 30%. Cost is 5 FP. FP refunded if offer is rejected.

  • Rejected contract extensions can be re-offered, but at a 50% rejection rate. Cost is 3 FP which are non-refundable.

  • Eliminated the rule prohibiting the redrafting of a player lost due to a usage violation.

Innocuous Player Rules (6.8) – rule eliminated. No adjustments made to have OPS <.600 players bumped to PR/SF 930. (formerly allowed for player adjustment)

Stealing Restrictions (6.9) – player exceeding 125% of actual steal attempts will be reduced to N-0 if the player was already at R-20 or lower. (formerly limited the reduction to R-20 only)

Micromanager Changes (7.5) – teams must notify the commissioner when changing micromanagers. The first change in a season is free. The second and every subsequent change costs 1 FP. (new)

Player Usage Violations (8.2) – correction of the minimum change of filing for free agency from 20% to 25%. Also added note to specify that FP used to save a person from usage free agency is refunded if the player is on an expired contract and rejects the contract extension.

Rule Changes Made by Commissioner without a Vote (10.1.4) – where rule changes are deemed to be beneficial to teams, the application of any rule change to the commissioner’s team will be deferred by one year (e.g., 4-5 year contract extensions, guaranteed contracts, etc). My feeble attempt to hid that this is a tyranny.

Franchise Points and New Owners (10.2.5)– a new owner of a team will also inherit the team’s franchise points but any penalties that were incurred within the season will be reversed.


Franchise Points-Fan Favorite ( – various changes and expanded rules including:

  • Fan Favorite (FF) must be on a multi-year contract;

  • No penalty in trade of a Fan Favorite to another team in the off-season;

  • FF switching rules expanded:

    • If traded mid-season, can switch to another player on a multi-year deal at least as long as the FF that was traded. The new FF is not subject to any benefits/restrictions of a FF until the next season begins.


Franchise Point Awards Added (11.02.01) :

  • 2 FP awarded (up to a maximum of 6 in a season) for articles written about the league or its players (OK, let’s call this the Paul Roe Award unofficially)

  • League MVP Award is also now the Robyn Imperato Award

  • Manager of the Year remains the Brian Simpson Award

  • League’s Best Record is now the Ron Moidel Award

  • 3 FP awarded to each team with no missed submitted results (commish excluded)



TRADING <addendum> - mid-season trades after carding for the next season has started. 

a) any player already carded for the next season who is traded will not be eligible for a re-roll by the acquiring team and the roll made by the trading team will stand;

b) teams in the process of determining their player cards for the next season cannot trade any of these players until the process has been completed'

c) a player who has not yet been carded for the next season can be traded to a team which has completed the carding process for the next season. The player acquired will have his card for next season determined randomly as normal but the cost of rerolls for the new team will be 2 FP per reroll. 

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